" The Gibson Inquiry " |
Terms of Reference |
The Group on Scientific Research into ME has been established to assess the progress of scientific research on ME since the publication of the Chief Medical Officer's Working Group Report into CFS/ME in 2002. In particular the Group has been established to - |
increase public understanding of scientific research into ME/CFS |
evaluate progress in the development of a full program of research into ME/CFS |
identify research and funding requirements in establishing the cause of ME/CFS |
It is the aim of Dr Ian Gibson MP, Group Chair, that the Group's report of its findings will both stimulate public debate on the subject of ME and act as a catalyst for increased funding of research into this condition. The "Gibson Inquiry" Report was published in November 2006; it is available here on the Report page. |
Statement from GSRME - 18 May 2007 |
The GSRME has now disbanded. The Group was formed with the express intention of undertaking an Inquiry into CFS/ME. The Inquiry has been completed and as such the members have now moved onto other projects. Please see the report of the Groups final meeting for further details. The Group would like to thank all those who participated in the Inquiry. Thank you for your oral and written evidence and for your support throughout. The Group is still waiting for responses from some Government Ministries and once these are collected they will be published on the Group's website. Several of the Group members will remain active in ME campaigning through the APPG on ME. Much remains to be done in the political sphere, on the horizon are both the NICE and DWP guidelines, which the APPG on ME will be keeping a close eye on. For details of the APPG on ME meetings please visit the Action for ME news page. |
Some Background Information |
The CMO's 2002 Working Group Report on CFS/ME is available here . . . |
This document is available only in "portable document format", as a PDF file, for which  'Adobe Reader' software is required. If you do not already have it, you can download a free copy of the latest version from Adobe's web site. Just click on their logo to the right . . . |
The file is large - 320Kb - so if you use a slow-speed Internet connection (e.g. dial-up through a 56Kb modem), please be patient and give it time to download. |
Group Chair Dr Ian Gibson MP gave the keynote address at Invest in ME's The ME Conference 2006 on 12 May 2006 (during ME Awareness Week) reviewing the current state of clinical diagnosis, research trends and educational support. In his presentation Dr Gibson detailed the raison d'étre for an examination of scientific research into ME since the CMO's 2002 Report, and summarised the Group's progress to date with what is commonly referred to as "The Gibson Inquiry". |
A 4-disk DVD boxed set covering the whole Conference is available from Invest in ME; visit their web site at www.investinme.org for further information. |
Please direct all enquiries/comments regarding the Group or the contents of this web site to - |
Post |
Dr Ian Gibson MP House of Commons London SW1A 0AA
Telephone |
0207 219 1100 |
Fax |
0207 219 2799 |
Email |
Disclaimer |
This is not an official Parliament web site. It is the sole responsibility of the GSRME. |
While every care has been taken to ensure that the information contained in this web site is both accurate and up-to-date, no liability to any party is accepted for loss or damage incurred by reliance placed on the information contained in this website or through omission or errors, howsoever caused. |